Saturday, July 16, 2011


 Karen Mora, Anne Arnes, Nancy Feinberg, Cindy Bray,
Elaine Tomrell, Vicky Tye - Team Gideon
Buddy-Up, Team-Up, create a group of excited, goal-oriented individuals, run fast, "sizzle" together and have fun blasting this Voyager biz -together!!! Friends are a big part of what makes this business so much fun. Empowering, praising each other, bantering back on forth with marketing ideas, sharing those with everyone, and 3-way calling - all add to the exciting world we call Network Marketing. Traditional business does the exact opposite. Climbing the corporate ladder often means getting what you want and not caring who you hurt or walk on to get there. The more we team-up, stay plugged in with the weekly Biz Briefing calls and trainings, use the team support site at, united and striving for the top together, the easier reaching the top will be. Together we are unstoppable!

"You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar
Butch & Liz Lafarge, Eddie & Heidi Metcalf, Billy & Eltha Banks,
Rhonda & Chris Griffin, Jeff & Danette Bourgeois - TEAM BANKS
Sherry Holmen, Marty Weeks & Liz & Butch Lafarge

My first instructive to brand new team members is to find a buddy and run. Working all alone isn't the name of the Networking game. You must utilize the "network" with Network Marketing. The more you can rally-up, buddy-up, team-up - the more momentum you'll create. Teaming-up creates magic, and is magnetic to anyone checking us out. "We're having fun, losing weight and making money" rings loudly and boldly to onlookers. 
And in this challenged economy with depression and obesity on the rise, and unemployment the highest its been in 25 years, everyone is looking. 

People are looking to have fun, to lose weight and make money. What they don't want? Another J-O-B (just over broke) where they have to answer to a boss and have no control over their time or income. It's time to DOUBLE DOWN (as they said in Las Vegas this past week at the Leadership Summit and official launch of Voyager) and share your gold of health and wealth! Get together, work closely together, create team spirit, work with your upline, sideline, and downline. It's now time to unify, stay teachable, and together there isn't a dream that can not be realized or goal not achieved. Stay focused. Stay on target with your goals. Know that you have the perfect opportunity to share with everyone. It starts with teaming up, plugging in, participating with everything the team has put together. Ken and I have "been there..done that" and have put systems in place for you to plug in and win. Thank you for being an awesome team. Las Vegas was just the beginning!!!

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