Start in your backyard. It's so much easier to build a Network Marketing business locally than it is to sponsor long distance. Save the long distance sponsoring for later on, once you are established and making enough money to travel. This is why doing those weekly home meetings or parties is the best way to build locally. Start small, then expand from there as your team grows. Start by finding someone like you.
Building your backyard starts by first finding someone you can run with. I call that your "backyard buddy." You need them and they need you. Talk everyday. Strategize your plan of attack to take on the area and explode it. Sizzle, motivate each other and definitely team-up with meetings, face-to-face appointments and cold calling on Wednesday Walkabouts (where you gather business cards.) Working together makes it more fun and successful. Compete with each other. Hold each other accountable. And celebrate your sponsoring victories together. Example: when you both make Director go celebrate and spend the day at the spa or golf course. Just buddy-up and make things happen!
Building your backyard starts by first finding someone you can run with. I call that your "backyard buddy." You need them and they need you. Talk everyday. Strategize your plan of attack to take on the area and explode it. Sizzle, motivate each other and definitely team-up with meetings, face-to-face appointments and cold calling on Wednesday Walkabouts (where you gather business cards.) Working together makes it more fun and successful. Compete with each other. Hold each other accountable. And celebrate your sponsoring victories together. Example: when you both make Director go celebrate and spend the day at the spa or golf course. Just buddy-up and make things happen!
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Sherry and Barry, Arizona |
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Vicki and Shelley, West Virginia |
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Elaine and Karen, Michigan |
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