In this awesome network marketing business, you must learn to be a master at inviting. You must position yourself right from the beginning of your involvement as an event promoter. The better you are at inviting people to take a look at what you are doing, the more money you will make.
You invite your prospect to take a look at your 90-second commercial. You invite them to listen to you while you recite your One Minute Message.
"I've got an amazing project that I want you to take a look at.
You are going to love this.
I've found a hot little all-natural diet pill called V3 that does three things:
brightens your mood, boosts your energy, and completely slams your appetite!
This is so exciting and everyone is
having fun, losing weight and making money.
I want you to do this with me!"

You invite them to try a sample of your product. You invite them to check out your website. You invite them to listen to the Tuesday Biz Briefing call at 6pm pacific. You invite them to watch a 25 minute Wednesday Webinar at 6pm pacific. You invite them to meet with you face-to-face where you present your opportunity. You invite them to attend a local In-home meeting with you. You invite them to chat on a 3-way call with your sponsor. You invite them to get involved in your business with you. You invite them to training's, events, to everything that is going on.
Then once they are involved with you in the business, guess what? You invite them to jump in with both feet and do what you do - plug in, promote, and participate in everything. And to make sure they do, you have to continue inviting, reminding with booking, calling, emailing and texting! Make sure they sign into our team support site Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Sign in to receive Text Messaging reminders --- from mobile phone have them call 41411 and type in --- BURGESSBIZ. Make sure to invite them to join the Facebook groups: V3 Success Stories - V3 Team Support - Voyager Biz Tips.
Yes, it seems like a lot to do, right? Nah - it's fun. Because once you understand how important it is to master the art of inviting, you'll build a team that will reward you in ways that you can not imagine. Your business will explode! So, don't just "invite" ... over invite!!!
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