Saturday, October 1, 2011


Cynthia Maurice, OH
Deb Landreman, WI
"Goals are Dreams with a Deadline."  
Love the above quote. Whenever I ask people what they want from the Voyager Health Technologies business when they first sign up, they say things like - more money, to get rich, to travel, to just pay my bills, etc. These goals are great but are not definite enough. First, you must write down definite goals, then write down the action you are going to take - how you are going to achieve those goals. What strategies are you going to take? What is your plan of attack? What income generating daily activity are you going to add to your daily schedule to accomplish these goals? What are you going to give up? That is why the new Fast Start Bonus Pool is so exciting! It's a goal with a deadline that makes dreams come true.

Cynthia Maurice and business partner Deb Landreman are two individuals who caught the vision of Voyager and the V3 product right from the start, wrote down their goals, worked with the tools and the 4-step system, and set the deadlines needed to achieve their goals. First month - they became Directors, and are on track to achieve Executive this month. Now with the new Fast Start Bonus Pools, they are the first to achieve it. CONGRATULATIONS DEB & CYNTHIA!!! That is impressive, but not surprising. They do to duplicate by making sure everyone they sponsor comes in with a 900 Pro Pak - starting at the top! The "say less to more people," sample two a day, everyday (and more) and are already in the pool for October. They do tweekly team calls to update, communicate and congratulate team members, the 3-way calls, and are leading the way with their team. They are setting the pace for their team to follow. And, my friends, that is what it is all about. Thank you ladies!

There are no hidden secrets in making big bucks with Network Marketing. We all do the same thing. You must be consistent, and setting the goal of qualifying for the Fast Start Bonus Pools assures consistency and success. Go to - our team support site, listen to the five Basic Training's, use the 4-step system, the hotlines, the Tuesday calls, and work hard until every one of your dreams come true. It's only possible when you set your goals and let those dreams with a deadline come true!

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