Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And You Were There First!!!

How exciting is it to know that you are there first to try the product. You are there first to sample your key people. You are there first to hop on that first Monday night webinar. You are there first to share your personal story. And you are there first to have the opportunity to be a part of a legacy company.

Yes, it is beyond exciting to pave the way ... set the pace ... set the tone for the team. And yes, knowing you are there first can be challenging for many reasons. Systems are getting put into place at the corporate level, product is getting to you later than you would have liked due to many factors beyond anyone's control, and possibly a few people you thought would be your key leaders sort of backed out at the last minute because they didn't have your vision, your determination, or your "why."

But you know that you are there first and the rewards will far exceed the challenges that are always a part of being first. You know that focusing on your "why", writing down your goals and reading them when things are a bit of a struggle will give you the edge on those that come later in the game.

"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain." ~Author Unknown

Thank you for being goal-oriented, persistent and stepping up as a leader. You are one in a million and are loved and appreciated. Soon - maybe at our first convention - we will all hug and smile at these start-up challenges and thank the person who invited us to take a look - take a sample - take a spot at the top. We are here first and life for all of us is about to change for the better!

xo Sandi

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sandi. Great thoughts, great encouragement. I am proud, and yet humbled to be one of the first. I am determined and by nature, stubborn. I look forward to seeing you soon, giving you a hug and a genuine thank you, and will most likely not even remember the pebbles.
