Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Am the Leader!

John C. Maxwell, a motivational speaker I just recently heard speak at the last Network Marketing convention I attended, said this about leadership -
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

Leadership qualities are often instinctive. I think back to my childhood and remember myself always taking charge with the neighborhood kids with organizing backyard carnivals, setting up lemonade stands, and planning sleepovers. I also remember gathering the cousins together at family parties and creating some sort of silly talent show or skit. Those of you reading this post probably relate to this, and did the same thing. The fact that you are involved with this type of business shows that you love the concept of being your own boss ... right?

Although some leadership skills seem to come naturally to some, most leadership skills can definitely be learned and developed, especially in this business of Network Marketing. I've seen people grow and develop into a leader right before my eyes over and over again. And these individuals that develop into great leaders all seem to have one thing in common. They were teachable. They attended everything. They took notes.They sat on the front rows. And they didn't try to re-invent the wheel with building their business. They simply followed their leaders guidance and duplicated those proven strategies.

When you have a leader emerge from the downlines, those of us blessed with that individual on our team rejoices big time! Why? Because we know that our workload has been lightened because our new leader will take the reigns with their group. They will do as we do, and they will lead their team. That's where the true "magic" in Network Marketing lies. Developing leaders.

Leaders follow to the letter what their leaders have taught them to do. They duplicate the 4-Step System, they promote the calls and events, and they get visibly involved. They never "hope" that success with the business just sort of happens. They make it happen. Leaders keep things simple. They don't complicate the business. The work the plan. Step One - Sponsor four ... qualify for Director. Step Two - Sponsor 6 and help them sponsor 4 to get to Executive. They gather their teams weekly to motivate, congratulate, update and have fun. They hold weekly in-home meetings and set the pace for the team. They do exactly what they want their team to do. They are positive, focused individuals who are a joy to work with. And they want their team members to succeed.

The time is now. The opportunity is golden. Make things happen, and step up and be the leader you were destined to be! Think like a leader. Act like a leader. Be a leader. As John Quincy Adams once said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." Pave the way for your team. Say with all the conviction and confidence you can muster ... I Am the Leader!

1 comment:

  1. Another winner! How wonderful to have you as the Leader I aspire to become.
