Now that you've got that secret down with these simple refreshments, it's time to start scheduling lots of these fun In-Home Meetings and Skinny Pill Parties. (By the way, we women love parties. Think about Tupperware, Mary Kay, Princess House...candles, interesting underwear, etc.) These home parties have always been a great way to share products. So why not do the same thing with our fabulous diet pill? Just make sure your focus is on sharing the opportunity right along with the product, asking everyone to get involved on the spot. Create urgency and excitement right along with the fun. Your goal: to build your team, not just sell product.
Casual is key to success with these in-Home meetings. Have fun. Cover the 4-Point Presentation briefly keeping the pace of your event upbeat and exciting. Five points to cover are: 1) Company, 2) Product, 3) How to Get Started (and get to the Director position), and 4) Timing. Those who attend need to feel that important sense of "do it now!" urgency. Always over-invite. If you want ten people to come, invite thirty. Be consistent with holding your In-Home meetings every week - same time, same place. And team it up with other people in your area. The more fun you have as a team, the faster your area will grow.
Remember to have each guest bring something - chips, bottled water, chocolate chip cookies - and have a blast sharing something that you love, are excited about, and everyone wants (they may just don't know about it yet.) And make it your job to spread the word. And In-Home meetings, and Skinny Pill Parties, are where this is done the most effectively. Once you start this fun In-Home meeting ball rockin' and rolling in your area, it will spread like wildfire and you'll make money! Once you outgrow your home, find somewhere just as cozy to continue sharing your business. Potato chips, chocolate chip cookies and bottled water. Who knew?
Offer them a V-3 Sample and a bottle of water when they walk in and they probably won't look at the chips and cookies. Warm, fuzzy and inviting setting. Love it...brilliant!!!