Thursday, March 24, 2011

Be Self Motivated!

“Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” - Lou Holtz

I have trained independent distributors from coast to coast on how to build a business from home for the past forty years in both Direct Sales and Network Marketing. And I've met some incredible people. I've watched people grow and develop in this business in ways that they couldn't have imagined. Shy people who were scared to talk to people, became great public speakers and motivators. People having only determination when they began their Networking careers, literally went from rags to riches. And the phrase, "you can make excuses or you can make money," rings true when you are your own boss. The key to your success lies within you. As Coach Rick Pitino's title of his book (which I have a signed copy from when he was in my home recruiting both my sons, Chris and David for college basketball) - "Success is a Choice."

You see, my Voyager friends, I can train you the strategies and shorten the learning curve with Network Marketing, but the motivation to be a major success with this business lies within each of you. You have to be self-motivated enough to stay on track with your original goals and dreams, and do the consistent daily work of sampling and following through on your own. I can't do that for you. As the quote says at the opening of this post, “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar

Kind of funny quote, but so true. We hop on calls, attend meetings, get excited, right? But we have to stay excited to see our dreams come true with anything we do. People give up too quickly. They start to settle for just getting by, or making ends meet. And there is so much more to be achieved, but you have to motivate yourself every single day with building your business.

I used to teach a concept that I called "Business Energy." It's the energy you have right out the gate where you are talking to everyone that fogs a mirror! It's that brand new distributor energy that is fearless. That dims as the days go by and someone is negative or says no to you. You've got to keep that energy with you until your goals are achieved. There are little things you can do like listening to upbeat music first thing in the morning. Take a brisk walk for 45 minutes everyday, noticing all of the beauty around you and counting your blessings. Do jumping jacks, self-talk, and of course, listen to or read motivational books everyday. Write down your schedule for the next day at night before going to bed. Avoid negative people. Hang with those who are self-motivated and positive. And sponsor at least one new person every week. That new person's excitement is contagious!

Bottom-line team, you have to motivate yourself. Stay plugged in. Be on every call. Take notes on the testimonials and share them with others. Empower yourself. Celebrate the things you do well. Call your sponsor and report in. Read these blogs. Listen to the posted calls and messages at and the recorded hotlines. Do whatever you can do to stay on track. I am re-recording "Why This? Why Now?" today. I will make it more exciting. Listen to it as often as you need too. And decide now to be the best Voyager Associate on the planet! Decide then do. We love you and appreciate everything you are doing to grow this business. You are important to us.

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