Friday, March 4, 2011


My favorite phrase about goal setting is, "a deadline is your best motivator." Such a true statement. Without a deadline, procrastination sets in and nothing seems to get accomplished, right? For me it's true. I love daily deadlines, weekly deadlines, monthly deadlines and 90-day March Madness Blitzes because it creates that urgency to accomplish goals within a specific time frame. Then when that goal is accomplished I always celebrate in some way and say out loud - "I'm smokin'!"

SMART goal setting stands for S - Specific, M - Measurable, A - Attainable, R - Realistic, and T - Timely. Bottom-line with this one word description is to be crystal clear with your goals (and your why) and give them deadlines to be accomplished. In order to achieve your goals, you have to write them down and determine what you are going to do daily, weekly, and monthly to get them accomplished.

Let's start with just sampling two people a day, and sponsoring two new Associa
tes a month. For the part-time person, that is attainable and very realistic. For the serious business builder who wants to see career-altering monthly bonus checks, you need to sample five people a day and sponsor five new Associates a month. With a hot diet pill that elevates the mood, gives you a burst of energy and slams the appetite, this is very attainable and realistic. If we were pitching water filters, this wouldn't be realistic at all! Not for me anyway.

Start SMART and simple. Sample two people a day - and never leave home without samples, a couple of bottles, business cards and a few product fliers. By the way, talking diet is easy because everyone wants what you have. So don't be stingy with your secret weapon with weight control. Be SMART. Tell everyone you know and meet that you have a hot, "magic" pill, then get their business card and give them a sample.

Have fun with your business building. Celebrate your victories every step of the way. When you accomplish your daily and weekly goals, treat yourself to a trip to the spa or nail salon. (Sorry guys ... not sure what you do to celebrate?) Just love the journey and let everyone you know, including yourself, that you are "smokin'" with the business and working very SMART!

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