Saturday, June 18, 2011


It's summer! The kids are out of school, vacations have been planned, family reunions are scheduled, and people are pulling out those swimsuits. So now's the time to get serious about spreading the word that you have exactly what they are looking for ... V3 and the hottest, sizzle business on the planet! So, take advantage of these hot summer days (and nights), and start to "sizzle" with your business building!

It's definitely not time to slow down with sharing V3. It's time to double efforts and take full advantage of all that summer offers. There are summer festivals, street fairs, picnics in the park with evening live musical events, street vendors, RV shows, home shows, summer festivities where lots of people can be found mingling, networking and talking. So, be friendly and never leave home without a boat-load of V3 samples! 

Host block parties, pool parties, beach parties, neighborhood barbecues, recipe exchange parties, evening fun adult get-to-together where you just get to know those that live around you. Attend everything. Find out what's going on, then attend! Now's not the time to hide behind your computer. It's time to get out there and aggressively circulate, percolate and let people know what you've got your hands on! Google search for activities and events in your area. Then attend with smiles and samples. Get out there and meet people, gather business cards, and make new friends. Rush over to your local community center and look over the bulletin boards, pick up an activity calendar and flyers of any and all events scheduled for the summer in your area. Know where, when, what is happening, then get involved. 

Gather your teams. Hold weekly parties where F-U-N is mixed colorfully with B-I-Z! Have everyone on your team bring guests, potluck, ice, chairs, and talk the biz while barbecuing, bowling, luau-ing, swimming, celebrating life, the sun, and friendship! Summer gives you a great excuse to get to know your neighbors and co-workers. It gives you the perfect reason to party and share V3 and your fun business. Be friendly. Make new friends. Join in and don't hold back. Google search for groups to join, i.e. "Meet Up", "BNI", "ABW", where you can use that *30 Second Commerical listed below. You have the perfect product and opportunity to share with everyone. So share! Dare to share! Create momentum. SIZZLE! Let people know you are "having fun, losing weight and making money!" Make hay while the sun shines and have a blast doing it. And most importantly ... stay plugged in with the weekly calls, training's, meetings, and 3-way's with your sponsor. Keep your team in the loop and move your business to the next level. Sizzle this summer!

*30 Second Commercial Holding Up V3 Packet --- "I've got the perfect secret weapon for weight control. It's called V3, or Victory brightening the mood, boosting the energy and slamming the appetite! If you were to ask me what I did as a professional Network Marketer I'd say - I'm having fun, helping people, including myself, lose weight, and making money! And what, quite frankly, could be more fun? See me afterward and I'll give you a free sample. You will love it...everyone does!"

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