Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Say less to more people. Let the tools talk and use that proven 4-step system. It's a numbers game. You are looking for ten great people who catch your vision, roll up their sleeves and build a huge Voyager business with you. And that will take you doing the basics, teaching the basics and using the 4-step system. Don't shortcut the system. Don't reinvent the wheel. Just do to duplicate.

Deliver your One Minute Message: "I want you to take a look at an amazing project I'm working on with a new, hot all-natural diet pill called V3 that does three things. It brightens your mood (so you are happy), boosts your energy, a completely slams the appetite! You will love this - everyone does. People are having fun, losing weight, and making money! We need to do this together. This is huge, and we are going to have a blast!"  Then just use the tools and the 4-step system: 1) hotline, 2) website, 3) 3-way call, 4) event. Repeat where necessary. Keep it fun. Keep it simple. And remember...sponsor ten to get two. Most will just love using the product. Two will get it and build a business. One will be a killer leader for you. Know the numbers. Get serious and go sample, sell, sponsor, support. Don't stop until you've personally sponsored ten great killer leaders. V3 and Voyager's time has come. Everyone is looking for the happy skinny pill, and guess what? You have it. Now share it! (P.S. New toll free hotline just for you, my awesome team!  1-877-859-2292)  xoxo

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