Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cabin Money

My Crazy Kids: Angela, Joshua, David, Chris, Ben
I've just finished reading "Beach Money", a very simple read about Network Marketing. Although there was nothing new with this book, the title fascinated me. My title would have been "Cabin Money." It's a great book for new distributors to read to get a snapshot view of residual income. It is also a good guide to re-writing goals, starting with writing down what you want to accomplish in three months. I took the challenge and determined what I wanted to accomplish in three months. One was to redecorate our front room. That has pretty much been accomplished. The next is to sponsor ten new distributors. So far, I've brought in five. Long term goals with this business are to build that cabin in Utah for my five kids and sixteen grandkids, and to get into optimum shape. 

Cabin: 15 Grandkids (Utah)
Take the three month challenge. Sit down today and write goals that you want to achieve in the next three months. Deadlines give focus to your business building. Maybe you want to buy patio furniture, get a housekeeper, purchase a new winter coat, spend a day at the spa, join a fitness club, or book a cruise. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish the next three months, write it down. Then determine what you need to do with the business to accomplish those quick goals. Focus on them. Build a vision chart with pictures of those things you want to accomplish and place it on your refrigerator. Look at it. Read your goals daily outloud. Stay on target with achieving those goals. It will take sampling more people, booking more appointments, holding more in-home meetings, doing more 3-way calls with your sponsor, having more people on the Tuesday night calls, participating more with meetings and calls, having more fun. Kick in your daily activity and "double down" those efforts.

Whatever you call it ... Beach Money, Sleep Money, or Cabin Money ... building your Voyager business with the hot little diet pill V3 makes that all possible. Take time today to write down your "why", your long term goals, your three month plan and your personal income generating plan of action you will take, starting tomorrow morning, to achieve your goals. Goals are dreams with a deadline. It's a new month. It's a new business with a new management team. Start with a new attitude. Stay completely positive and focused on your new goals. Let go of negativity, complaining, and be a winner not a whiner. Start now at achieving "Cabin Money!"

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