Thursday, September 22, 2011


"The Fortune is in the Follow-Up!" Once you get that, you will make mega money with Network Marketing. However, most distributors follow up once, leave a message, send an email and then drop the ball. It takes 6-7 times with follow-up telephone calls to book the face-to-face appointment to present the opportunity, and to take your Prospect through the process with the 4-step system. It's about exposing them to all of the facets of the business. You must follow-up and follow-through with everything you have done during the week on Friday.
Get rid of "Follow-up Fright!"  Are you terrified of rejection? Are you afraid the prospect is going to tell you to stop bothering them? Here are a couple of ways to get rid of the "follow-up fright." QTIP (Quit Taking it Personally) - Remember that your prospect is not rejecting you; they're rejecting the opportunity. Be positive and expect "yes" from everyone. With the attitude of abundance and "what's not to love about this?" in the front of your mind, your enthusiasm and positive attitude will be magnetic. If you get a "no," say to yourself, "great! Now I'm one phone call closer to a 'yes!'"
NEVER ASSUME - Another fear is that after you leave one voicemail message, and your prospect doesn't return your call, you assume they are not interested. This is not true. People today are very busy, so keep calling until you reach them on the phone. You'll be surprised at how interested they really are once you can talk with them, and better yet, meet face-to-face.
IT'S NOT "NO", IT'S "NOT NOW!" - Follow up with your 1-31 Tickler system. This is explained with the Basic Training's at When someone turns you down today, just file their Prospect Worksheet under the date one month from today. Say, "I would love to keep in touch. If you don't mind, I will touch base in a month." This is often referred to as a "drip list." Once a month you touch base to see if they are ready to take another look. Update them on what's happening, invite them to a call, and get them involved.
My favorite phrase with follow-up refers to the fortune. As you become awesome at follow-up, you will see your business explode. So keep following up, using the 4-step system, the 1-341 tickler, adding to your Prospect 100 list, and get rid of your scary "Follow-up Fright!"

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